What is mdf ?
mdf or Medium-density fibreboard, it does not matter what you call it. mdf is the go to for most people and it is a very great product as its cheaper and more durable than natrual wood. Go to the blog page so that we can talk more about this topic. more
mdf or wood ?
When you are making a furniture you have to decide what are you using, Wood or Medium-density fibreboard or mdf for short. In this blog we will be talking about these to elements and which one we use and recommend more
what's better steel or iron ?
The two things that are also used to build most furnitures need to be build with either steel or iron. Alot of people use iron, but we will be sharing our opinoin on this topic and which one we use to make high quality furnitures. more
Our Story
Saral decor was founded in 2008 by Hersh. He wanted to start a furniture company that made high quality furnitures for the public, so with his expertise and a little bit of help from others he was able to launch his first business model in 2008. And now Saral is loved by many because of thier high quality furnitures in kurdistan.
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